Monday, November 16, 2009

Annie was a success. Thank you Lord!

Lee Greenwood wasnt as bad as I thought he was gonna be. I ran spot light for that show which was pretty fun. It was pretty tiresome considering you stand holding a light still for 2 hrs but it was still fun.

The theater is doing pretty well. Especially the shows that the Overlook Theatre Company puts on. Next show on the list is The Velveteen Rabbit. It should do well. Everyone in the cast knows what they're doing so its a breeze. Just have to keep focused.

There is alot going on but my job is still great and I love it. Thanks again Scotty and Phil for this opportunity

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Its been a while

So ANNIE is this weekend. Are we ready? I don't know but I sure hope we pull it out. It has been going well except for a few characters.....

It's a busy life here at the theatre. We are here alot! Between building sets, rehearsals and other acts that come in it gets pretty crazy but, I cant think of anything that I would rather be doing.

Some days I wonder.....maybe working with troubled kids at the middle school would be better but then I say to have been waitin for an opportunity like this so dont let those days get to you.

Lee Greenwood will be here next weekend. I don't think i have heard enough about setting up the lights for that yet. If I hear it some more I will probably be alot happier. Well im gonna get back to work.

See ya at ANNIE

Thursday, October 8, 2009

My First Time

This is my first blog I have ever done. I just started working at The Smoky Mountain Center for the Performing Arts in Franklin, NC. if you are interested.

The first month here has been pretty hectic. Its still a better job than the one i had before though. I love theatre so I am happy even if I am FREAKING EXHAUSTED.

I help Effie build sets and work with the lights. Effie is the technical director at the Performing arts center in case none of you know her. I work on sets during the day and act in the shows at night. Its fun. The first set i started working on was the waterfall for the Jungle Book. A fun challenge that was, in many ways. It turned out nice though. I also gave a throne a make over and some people figured out that I do have other tallents besides acting. Not bragging on my self......alright yeah I am. We just finished the smoke on the mountain set too. It wasn't too bad.

I am now sitting at my desk waiting for rehearsal to begin. I am happy that i have the opportunity to work in the place I do and work with the people I do. I AM BLESSED.

Well thats all I know to say right now. I hope my first was as good as yours